The most recent update to WhatsApp for iOS adds a search by date feature for iPhone
The most recent and most reliable version of WhatsApp is now available for iPhone users. Users of iOS can download the update from the Apple App Store, which adds the ability to search for messages by date. Users may now drag and drop files from other apps into the messaging program to share them with other WhatsApp users in chat conversations, thanks to a recent upgrade. Some iPhone users have already begun receiving the update, and it is anticipated that all users will receive it soon.
The voice over IP and instant messaging platform, which is owned by Meta, has released its most recent stable update with the version number 23.1.75 for iOS users. With the most recent upgrade, users may now search for certain chat messages by date. Additionally, it adds drag-and-drop capabilities for users to transfer images, documents, and videos through WhatsApp from other apps.
Prior to the launch of the search-by-date feature on WhatsApp for iOS, users on the platform were only able to search for messages using keywords. Users can select the date, month, and year they want to skip using the scrollable menu that appears inside the chat window's search-by-date feature.
However, the scrollable menu appears to come to an end on the day the conversation history for that specific message window starts. This means that the feature might also serve as a quick method to check on and browse through the conversation history timeline in each message window.
A shortcut to message oneself that opens a chat window at the top of the user's chat list is also retained from prior upgrades, along with the option for users to hide their online status.
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However, it appears that only a small number of customers are presently able to access the freshly launched WhatsApp version through their app store. Consequently, a wider deployment may be anticipated during the next few days.